Intel on Syria:
Syria- We know that some type of gas weapon was used by the scientific physical evidence. But is where is the scientific physical evidence that the gas weapon actually came from Assad and the Assad regime? The standard of evidence here should be the same as for a criminal conviction. That is the evidence should be the "no reasonable doubt standard" as in criminal cases. The evidence should convince any person that there is "no reasonable doubt" that Assad did this. I have not seen this evidence yet.
It appears that evidence is only partial, ie. that gassing occurred but unclear as to who did it. Also, it appears that intel is from intercepted communications. Like any kind of hacking this could be obfuscated and fake and planted to make it look like Assad was the culprit. Anyone could be the culprit and also anyone can be the culprit of misinformation that is planted to draw the US into this conflict. It could be an al Queda trick. What are your thoughts?