Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Calling the Kettle Black"

I read in a Linked-In post that the federal government may be introducing legislation that would make software and tools illegal that are for IT security but could also be used for nefarious purposes. Metasploit and Backtrack would become illegal.  Makes about as much logical sense at the stand your ground law.

Why doesn't Congress make legislation to prevent their members from using insider stock information for personal gain?  Why doesn't Congress break up the Big Four Accounting monopoly?

Fact: Congressional members use their insider stock knowledge for personal gains
Fact: Big Four accounting controls audit prices.  Big Four accounting hires inexperienced accountants straight out of college.  Big Four accounting audits the same clients year after year.  Clients pay Big Four accounting enormous fees.  Big Four accounting cannot give unbiased opinions. Big Four audit opinions influence stock market prices. Why doesn't Congress break up this monopoly?

 Answer: Like everyone else, Congress goes after the "low hanging fruit".  Metasploit, Backtrack and others like them do not have the lobbying power or money of the Big Four.  It is easier to go after the "little guy" even if the reason is not logical just like the stand your ground law which was lobbied for by the NRA.

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